The main focus of this project are today’s youths, the so-called Gen Z, born between 1996 and 2012. The public heralds them as hyper-connected and technologically savvy, aware of environmental problems, human behaviour, and mental health issues. But how do they perceive themselves, impact local culture, and shape their worldviews?
By taking a closer look and doing a variety of cultural activities that put into focus who Gen Z are, what their role in the modern world is both as individuals and a part of the generation, how they cope with tradition and local customs, and what trends shape their everyday lives, we hope to come to a greater understanding of their concerns and motivations, and ultimately, celebrate their values and beliefs.
By the end of the project participants should:
– be able to use digital tools such as Canva, Padlet, etc
– develop skills of digital communication
– practice and improve their English language skills
– develop cooperative skills by successfully working in (multinational) teams
– promote local customs and traditions and learn more about other nations’ cultures
– cultivate cultural awareness
– develop artistic creativity (drawing, photography, collage)
Expected results
– Participants will be active in all the tasks and share and exchange their work on twinspace and other platforms;
– Promote local customs and traditions by presenting local dances, folk costumes and national dishes, and learn about the national heritage of other countries (and areas);
– Discover new cultures and lifestyles of young people around Europe;
– Create an online picture gallery and share images by participating in activities such as Graffiti mapping, Slice of life or #ootd;
– Embrace cultural diversity and creativity of Generation Z
#active participation
#respect and trust
#co-ordination of activities
#on-time communication
#monitoring and evaluation

The project logo is a result of students’ work and all participants voting for the best one!
Technical School Slavonski Brod_Croatia (project coordinator)
Escola Secundária Henrique Medina, Esposende_Portugal
Ekonomska škola Požega_Croatia
Tekman Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi, Tekman_Turkey
Zespół Szkół Zawodowych w Grybowie,Grybów_Poland
Obrtnička i tehnička škola Dubrovnik_Croatia
Kocatepe Anadolu Lisesi, Afyonkarahisar_Turkey
Jadranka Junačko, mag.bibl.
Josipa Tomljanović, Art history/ English teacher