O projektu
Svrha je projekta recikliranje otpada te pomoć ljudima, životinjama i prirodi. Sakupljanjem starog papira, čepova, baterija i boca pomažemo u očuvanju prirode, a otkupom istih, pomažemo raznim udrugama naše zajednice.
Ključne riječi: ekologija, stari papir, boce, čepovi, baterije, recikliranje, okoliš, volontiranje.
About the project
The purpose of the project is to recycle waste and help people, animals and nature. By collecting old paper, corks, batteries and bottles, we help preserve nature, by buying them, we help various associations in our community.
Keywords: ecology, old paper, bottles, corks, batteries, recycling, environment, volunteering.
Students will be able to: define sustainable development goals, describe and learn what is meant by the terms recycling and the environment, share information on recycling and environmental protection, communicate and collaborate with other participants, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
As for behaviour, they will develop: a sense of responsibility, creative thinking, a sense of gratitude to our planet, a sense of the needs of others, cultural awareness, civic education, financial and information literacy, will expand environmental awareness.
1. Recycling and preserving the environment around us.
2. Introducing students to the needs of others and the needs of the community in which they live.
Working procedure
The school will collect old paper, corks, batteries and bottles and will help an association in its city every month, in collaboration with its partner, with the money that is raised.
Everyday collaboration with its partner.
Each school that joins the project will form its own team and determine what it will do and how to help the community in which it lives by recycling.
Calendar of activities:
-20.3.-25.3. formation and production of boxes for recycling waste disposal
-30.3.-15.6. waste collection and purchase of the same – every last day of the month, the collected funds are donated to a specific association.
Students will make waste boxes, raise funds, empty the boxes, take the waste for recycling and encourage their peers to take part in the action. They will also personally donate funds and visit the association to which we donate.
Expected results
All implemented activities were published on the public Twinspace in front of the project manager in each school, and each school will publish its activities on its website and social networks.
Students gained additional knowledge about sustainable development and how important the environment in which they live is and its maintenance. They expanded their knowledge on recycling, the environment and learned more about these problems. Students are aware of the ecological situation on Earth and contribute to their preservation and will continue to do so in the future thanks to this project. They additionally got to know the community in which they live and faced its problems.
With this project, we helped preserve the environment and contributed to its cleanliness and helped the community in which we live.
Ena Javor Kučera, mag. bibl.
Marija Šaf, prof.
Jasna Tomljenović, prof.
Elektrotehnička i ekonomska škola, Nova Gradiška
Osnovna škola “Antun Mihanović”, Nova Kapela
Medicinska škola Bjelovar, Bjelovar
Osnovna škola “Antun Mihanović”, Slavonski Brod
Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec
Osnovna škola Hugo Badalić, Slavonski Brod
Osnovna škola Marija Bistrica, Marija Bistrica
Gimnazija Petra Preradovića, Virovitica
Osnovna škola Granešina, Zagreb
Ekonomska škola Vukovar, Vukovar
Osnovna škola fra Bernardina Tome Leakovića, Bošnjaci
Učenički dom Dora Pejačević, Zagreb