Welcome to the web page of the Technical school Slavonski Brod where you can find information about who we are and about activities in progress in our school.
The best testimony of our results and success of the 66-year work and tradition are our former and current students and teachers.
The vision of our school is – quality school leads to a competent student.
Our mission is to educate for life-long learning and to raise for life, co-operation and humanity.
Our particularity are extra-curricular and election programmes for students along with the EU funded projects:
- IPA project SB Solar
- IPA project Slavonica Mehatronica
- IPA project Navigator
- Project Self-assessment of vocational schools
- Erasmus+ and LdV Project LdV mobility projects –mobility of students (Germany, Ireland, Spain)
- Erasmus+ and LdV mobility projects –mobility of teachers (Italy, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland)
- Project ‘Entrepreneurial impulse’
- School’s prevention programme
- Project Trainee company
- Extra-curricular activity: Civic education
Technical school is recognizable by its:
- SB solar demonstration centre
- Counselling centre Navigator
- Centre for new technologies and modern equipment
- Continuous process of modernization of quality educational work
- Lifelong professional education of our teachers
- Students’ results in numerous competitions and innovations in vocational education
- International co-operation projects and mobility of our students
- Educational work of our school – projects, cultural and public activities and engagements
- Humanitarian projects (sponsoring children in Benin)
- Democratization of co-operation between students, their parents and our school
- Education, professional training and education of adults
We take great pride in our achievements, especially in State Matura results. During the last four years, 87% of our finishing students enrolled in higher education centres and universities. This is our invitation to all our students for co-operation and mutual work in achieving personal opportunities. Our teachers have continuously been professionally educated and trained so they can answer the challenges of educational work by today’s educational standards. Different ways of co-operation with parents encourages parental responsibility in education of their children. School has a close co-operation with broader community: County, City authorities, economy and other institutions important for our work. This is a great contribution to realisation of local, regional and state plans and programmes. As our goal is primarily success and satisfaction of our students, we wish our students success in learning, and our teachers and other staff of our school success in 2017./18.
We are a family connected with love, work and faith in mutual success.
Vikica Lukić, electrical engineer